13.Group Autogenics II

Putting your body on the line here, so tuning in now to the
feet. You might try lifting them up towards the ears, and when
you feel comfortable with it, allowing your eyes to close
gently, in your mind's eye. Your being merges with the garbage,
becomes one with it, so that all your energies in this moment
are held in awareness by the smells, and remembering that there
is no one right way to doing the dishes. And let go completely
of the question of time. When this happens, as an experiment,
see if you can float on a rubber raft into a big pot of boredom,
letting it all cook in your mind's eye, where it cooks all by
itself, stirring it, perhaps, every once and a while.
Is that ok with you?

Stare at yourself in the mirror until you feel a burning
sensation. Now remove your head completely, your head is
floating in the air.

With your left brain, close your eyes. Stick out your tongue to
the universe, and imagine your own peculiar vibration. Deeper,
deeper, deeper. Several thousand years of external happiness and
exaltation of our psyche. Free we are from complexities.

Relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing...

As we go down the elevator, as you continue to listen to the
sound of my voice... (number three) As you drink this water day
after day after day (number two) Don't allow your eyes to move
from this spot for a moment. That's it! (number one) Your eyes
remove themselves from your body, for your own good. Your mind
will become a sponge, you're a masterpiece, a work of art. You
are becoming, beyond any shadow of a doubt... Blue Rose. Blue

Look out there though. Look:
First there is an L, and then there is an O, and then there is a
V, and then there is an E. A box of LOVE in the meadow of your
mind... Keep the lid on it!

And this becomes your reality. That's right. And at any time you
feel yourself weaken in any way you think the word 'food'. This
is your trigger word and the moment you think or say the word,
from this very moment on, you will only eat. You gain enormously
in weight, and all desire for self-esteem will disappear, and so
it is, and so it is. And you now have an unseen assistance:

And it feels so good, so relaxed, and so at east,
and you're becoming the world and everyone in it.